Sport Management

Sport Management – BUS 262-2  Final Paper (Final Exam: 30 Marks)

Final Paper due date: 23:59pm (midnight), Tuesday, December 12, 2023

For your final paper, you will research on the following:

  • 2 high level sport management potions/jobs they you are interested to become.
  • You will research the journey to attain these positions which should include the following information:

1) Requirements and experiences to be consider for the position

2) Two individuals who hold each of these positions, so that you can review their bios, prior organization they worked for, some of their successes that may have contributed to their climb, and a timeline of how long it took them to reach their current positions.

3) Elaborate as to why these positions are of interest to you.

Please contact me with any question or concerns.


Please carefully do some academic research and write up your final paper using your own words. Then, and submit your answer paper in MS Word format to your course portal: AMC Engage before the deadline.

Warning: please do not copy other paper or use any AI tool to write up, because you would be caught by Turnitin of your Engage with Similarity % (must be  < 5%) and AI Content % (must be < 5%).

Total length of your paper should be less than 5 pages, APA format with double spaces.

Grading Rubrics:

  1. Content (40 Marks)
  • Research Depth (15 Marks)
  • Position Requirements and Experiences (15 Marks)
  • Biographical Information (10 Marks)
  • Reflection and Analysis (30 Marks)
  • Elaboration on Personal Interest (15 Marks)
  • Critical Analysis (15 Marks)
  • Writing Style and Mechanics (20 Marks)
  • Clarity and Organization (10 Marks)
  • Grammar and Style (10 Marks)
  • Adherence to Guidelines (10 Marks)
  • Submission Format (5 Marks)
  • Originality and Avoidance of Plagiarism (5 Marks)

<the end>

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