STEM, Robotics, Coding, and Maker’s SpacesOverview Assignment Instructions


STEM, Robots, Codes, and Maker’s Spaces are increasingly ubiquitous in the educational experience in classrooms. For this assignment, you will explore each of these four initiatives from the perspective of your own local community so that you can inform others in your locale of the resources available to them. Seek knowledge and resources most appropriate to the interests and needs of your own work setting, colleagues, and potential users/learners.


Using the provided STEM, Robotics, Coding, and Maker’s Spaces Overview Template, using knowledge gleaned from current scholarly articles (published within the last five years), provide a brief overview of each of the four initiatives that discusses each initiative’s significance. Then, respond to each question, referencing scholarly sources to support your claims. For resources in your geographical area, check local libraries, school websites, universities, or other community resources in your area to identify what is available near you. Seek as many hands-on facilities as you can find; avoid digital-only sources, if possible. Include a one-sentence description and link for at least one resource for each initiative. Pursue local resources in your own community first. If none are found, broaden your search to surrounding locations to identify the closest resource to you for each initiative.

Include a minimum of two references for scholarly works for each initiative, for a total of at least eight sources. Each source should be published within the last five years. Follow current APA style.

Note: Your assignment will be checked for originality via the Turnitin plagiarism tool.

STEM, Robotics, Coding, Maker’s Spaces Overview Template

[Insert your name]

Begin with a 2-3-paragraph introduction briefly describing the information presented in the paper. An abstract is not required. Any directions, like these sentences, should be deleted after you read them.


[Brief overview].

Why is it significant?

[Begin your paragraph(s) here.]

What are the downsides and/or barriers and how might these be overcome?

[Begin your paragraph(s) here.]

What ethical considerations and best practices for implementation have been identified?

            [Begin your paragraph(s) here.]

Where is it going in the future?

            [Begin your paragraph(s) here.]

Resources available in [insert your city and/or state] and the surrounding area.

            [Include a one-sentence description and link for at least one resource available in your area.]

Robotics (in education)

[Brief overview].

Why is it significant?

[Begin your paragraph(s) here.]

What are the downsides and/or barriers and how might these be overcome?

[Begin your paragraph(s) here.]

What ethical considerations and best practices for implementation have been identified?

            [Begin your paragraph(s) here.]

Where is it going in the future?

            [Begin your paragraph(s) here.]

Resources available in [insert your city and/or state] and the surrounding area.

            [Include a one-sentence description and link for at least one resource available in your area.]

Coding (in education)

[Brief overview].

Why is it significant?

[Begin your paragraph(s) here.]

What are the downsides and/or barriers and how might these be overcome?

[Begin your paragraph(s) here.]

What ethical considerations and best practices for implementation have been identified?

            [Begin your paragraph(s) here.]

Where is it going in the future?

            [Begin your paragraph(s) here.]

Resources available in [insert your city and/or state] and the surrounding area.

            [Include a one-sentence description and link for at least one resource available in your area.]

Maker’s Spaces

[Brief overview].

Why is it significant?

[Begin your paragraph(s) here.]

What are the downsides and/or barriers and how might these be overcome?

[Begin your paragraph(s) here.]

What ethical considerations and best practices for implementation have been identified?

            [Begin your paragraph(s) here.]

Where is it going in the future?

            [Begin your paragraph(s) here.]

Resources available in [insert your city and/or state] and the surrounding area.

            [Include a one-sentence description and link for at least one resource available in your area.]


Insert all references in current APA format here.

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