
Storyboard: Phase 2 of 3

Create a Storyboard based on your Phase 1 Outline. Explain in pictures/drawings/collage pictures/pop-art/etc. and script how your family dynamic is connected to your chosen textbook family life topics. Be creative! Have fun! Worth 50 points.

Example of a storyboard: 

Your Storyboard should have 6 boxes. You can create your own in PowerPoint, use the above programs, free-hand draw the pictures, use photographs and make a 6-box collage, or any other means. Each of the 6 scenes should include words, either within the boxes or below each box, explaining the pictures and tying in your family life topics. Number the boxes 1-6. Submit in UTC Canvas by the Due Date.

HHP 4510 Storyboard Rubric

Follow this rubric for your Phase 2/Storyboard portion for your choice on how to complete and base your grade. Worth 50 points.

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