Students will conduct research on a Child Development topic of your choice using TWO SCHOLARLY AND CURRENT articles

EDEC 1600 Final Project: Performance-Based Assessment (400 pts) Presenting Current Information on A Child Development Topic Creatively Due Date: July 31st Goals: • Students will conduct research on a Child Development topic topic of your choice using TWO SCHOLARLY AND CURRENT articles. • Students will present information from the articles, which can be on any topic as long as it relates to children in some way, in a creative way by creating ONE of the following: an infographic A short Tik Tok video or Animated/multi-media video or presentation Criteria: The creative product can address general issues, e.g., development milestones, or can bspecific aspects, e.g., environmental factors, e.g., SES, affecting certain areas of development: 1. Topic can be anything you want as long as it relates to children in some way, and age group is No more than 5 years old 2. The information has to be based on at least 2 CURRENT RESEARCH articles listed in an APA style bibliography (SEE BELOW for more details) Sample inforgraphics on child development are on:… What to do: Article Research: • This assignment is about finding and using CREDIBLE and SCHOLARLY research to inform decisions and opinions. Therefore, the references are KEY to this assignment. If you do not follow the instructions your WILL lose points. • Use the library website and consult with a librarian* to locate TWO Articles that MUST be research articles from research journals, that is peer reviewed research journals (Absolutely no books, webpages, videos, government reports, popular magazines or newspapers). * Educational Studies Librarian: Chris Guder (…

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