Team Evaluation

All students must evaluate their teammates’ performance on the team project. Although the evaluations will not be graded, consistent negative evaluations for a particular team member will reduce that individual’s grade for the team project. For more information, please access the following document: Team Evaluation.


  1. List specific tasks that you have completed so far for the team project.
  • “I missed the first and only group discussion because I was originally assigned to Team 6 rather than to Team 1, and by the time I got to my current team, they had already had their discussion. They did inform me about the discussion and were very welcoming and gave me my assigned tasks. I have been researching scope methods on Bank of America and Wells Fargo in communication processes. I have been relaying ideas to the team and have been given feedback. I have been working on my part of the project and been in communication with my team.”
  • List specific tasks that each of your team members have completed so far for the project.
  • “Each team member has been doing a part of the project. Christy has been the team leader and has done a great job at presenting the draft of the proposal. Jamie has been working on the chart and collecting data. Rashinda has been collecting data for the background.”
  • Rate yourself and your team members according to the following scale.
  1. Strongly agree
  2. Agree
  3. Undecided/neutral
  4. Disagree
  5. Strongly disagree
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