TED Talk Discussion


Go to the TED Talk website and pick a TED Talk that is interesting to you AND related to Biology, since this is a biology course. Tip: put “biology” in the search box. This link will show you the most recent Biology-Relaetd TED Talks. That said, you can search whichever way you wish, and if you have a biology-related topic in mind feel free to search for it. I have provided the link of the TED Talk I chose, please watch it and follow the instructions below.Watch the video and post the following:
Title of the TED Talk in the subject line (no duplications, please- check the other posting titles before posting yours)
Link to the video.
A brief summary (min 250 words) about the video.
Explain what the video is about. Imagine you are talking to a friend of yours. Unfortunately your friend doesn’t seem to have time to watch the video but she/he really wants to know what it is about.
Give a reason why somebody should watch the TED talk.
Did you find the video interesting, easy/difficult to understand, why? Is the information in the video useful for daily life, helpful for the course?

Requirements: 250 words

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