For this term paper, use the attached template and use. the attached assignments and you will be writing a research report regarding your real estate market forecast of the local area. Each of the sections will be written in a previous class assignment, and you will bring all the sections together in APA format for this term paper. The required upload format is Microsoft Word (.doc or .docx). PDF is accepted as well.


Local real estate economic market forecast.


14 paragraphs (minimum), plus charts and graphs. Each paragraph must be about 5 sentences. In addition, there is a title page and references page. No appendix page is required.


The page citations will need to be in APA format. Here’s an example: (Huber, 2019, p. 37). For multiple pages, it would be: (Huber, 2019, pp. 37-38). Other citations may also be included, but all citations must be referenced. Each paragraph in the body of the report should have a citation as shown. A good “rule of thumb” is that some citations should be direct quotes, and the others should be paraphrased. View APA format: https://owl.purdue.edu/owl/research_and_citation/apa_style/apa_formatting_and_style_guide/general_format.htmlLinks to an external site.


All citations must be referenced on the last page. View APA format: https://owl.purdue.edu/owl/research_and_citation/apa_style/apa_formatting_and_style_guide/reference_list_basic_rules.htmlLinks to an external site.


None required.


APA format is required. Scroll down to the end of the instructions and download the CHECKLIST to help guide you.


Please use headings and sub-headings as appropriate. APA format headings: https://owl.purdue.edu/owl/research_and_citation/apa_style/apa_formatting_and_style_guide/apa_headings_and_seriation.htmlLinks to an external site.

Grammar and Spelling are critical.

Use spell-check, Grammarly, read your paper out loud, take it to the writing center for review, and have a friend proof it for you. Eliminate all errors. Yes, it’s THAT important!

Academic Integrity:

You must write and type your own report in your own words. Any plagiarism or cheating will cost you a “0” on this important paper, and may also result in an “F” or this course – or suspension from the college.


For this paper, “recycling” of your own work is acceptable. You may re-use your own written content from your previous class activities. No citations are necessary.

Grading Rubric:

Paper is worth 100 points. Grading will follow the Final Paper Grading Rubric below, and will include:

  • Each section as described above
  • Concepts: demonstrate understanding of course topics
  • Critical Thinking: thorough and complete topic coverage
  • Mechanics: grammar, spelling, punctuation
  • Formatting: style, headings, readability

Focus on the “Distinguished” column to earn an “A” grade. You have made it this far… so I know that you are 100% capable of an “A” grade and I expect to see that reflected in your work.


A sample template is ATTACHED and required. Scroll down to the end of the instructions to download the template.

Due Date:

Completed paper, including student name and date, must be submitted here in Canvas before start time of our last class period.


Title Page

Introduction (1 paragraph) – no citations

Economic Principles and Theories (2 paragraphs from Chapters 1 and 2) – APA formatted citations in each paragraph; each paragraph needs 5 sentences.

Financing & Money Markets (2 paragraphs from Chapter 3) – APA formatted citations in each paragraph; each paragraph needs 5 sentences.

Local Area Demographics & Data (2 paragraphs from Chapter 2, Pages 54-55 and Chapter 4/5, plus research list) – APA formatted citations in each paragraph; each paragraph needs 5 sentences.

Real Estate Market Trends (2 paragraphs from Chapters 9, 10, 11, and/or 12) – APA formatted citations in each paragraph; each paragraph needs 5 sentences.

Charts and Graphs (insert one chart and one graph – be sure to explain the illustrations and cite the sources under each chart/graph)

Market Forecast (2 paragraphs from Chapters 13 and 14) – APA formatted citations in each paragraph; each paragraph needs 5 sentences.

Strategies & Solutions (2 paragraphs from Chapters 1, 5, 6, and/or 15) – APA formatted citations in each paragraph; each paragraph needs 5 sentences.

Conclusion (1 paragraph) – no citations

References (bibliography page)


Students, get your paper completed EARLY and submit in Canvas as the assignment “DRAFT of Final Paper DUE”. Please submit a draft of your final paper ONE week prior to the last day of class for instructor review. The draft should include as much of the final paper as you have completed by then. You will submit as a Microsoft® Word® document ATTACHMENT in Canvas. I will review and make suggestions to help you earn full credit on your final paper.

What does that mean for you? It means you must plan ahead and have your paper ready early. By preparing in advance, you also have the opportunity to gain valuable feedback. When you follow the instructor suggestions, you will probably earn a higher grade on your paper. I strongly recommend you take advantage of this opportunity, as the instructor guidance is designed to help you earn a higher grade.

Alternatively, you can submit a draft of your paper in class (at least 2 weeks prior to the deadline, so I can return it to you the next week). Or, you can discuss it with me during office hours. I suggest you make an appointment for office hours, as there may be other students wishing to meet with me during office hours towards the end of the class.


Although this may initially seem like a lot to write in a report, it is NOT difficult at all. If you look through your textbook and notes, you will see that everything you need is already at your fingertips. As always, I am here for you. Please REACH OUT if you need help with anything! All I ask is that you reach out EARLY and do not wait until the last minute, okay?


(And remember to use the APA template provided below; both these documents are also in the Files page.)

Requirements: real estate

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