The aim of this term project for students is to develop a business plan for an E- Business idea and develop a website and mobile application according to this business plan.

The aim of this term project for students is to develop a business plan for an E- Business idea and develop a website and mobile application according to this business plan.

Project Description

  • Project will be done in groups. Formulate a group of 3 students. Then, choose an E- Business idea.
  • Develop a business plan for the suggested idea using the attached Business Plan Template.
  • Develop a website and mobile application according to the business plan.

Project submission:

All groups are supposed to submit the following (only by the group leader):

  1. Submit a business plan (Business Plan Template) for the selected project that discuss different aspects of electronic commerce based on topics covered during the course.
  2. A demo of electronic business website and mobile application have to be shown to the instructor and clear screenshots on your report which contains all website’s and mobile application’s functionalities.

Project Evaluation:

  • The project will be out of 20 marks.
  • Your project should cover all the aspects that are explained in this course, especially payment systems and marketing strategies.
  • The project work must be originally produced by the group members. Any violation of this rule will automatically result in the assignment of a failing grade for the project.
  • Reports will be evaluated for content, clarity, presentation, and appearance. Pay particular attention to grammar and spelling.
  • Web sites (or mobile applications) will be assessed on the basis of relationship to plan and how the implementation was done to fulfil the requirements of your business plan.


  • Presentation and discussion dates will be announced later Insha’Allah. Each group will have maximum 15 minutes to present and discuss their work.
  • All members of the group are expected to actively participate in the discussion and presentation. Absentees will be marked zero, so all members must be present on the day of final presentation and discussion.

The Website and Mobile Application Design Requirements:

Visit at least 2 of the competitive industry best websites and mobile applications. Check and the features they provideMost of the following aspects must be covered in the website and mobile application:

  • What products and/or services does the business offer, the categories of products/services, approximate number of product titles in each category, what (approximately) is the product information that the customers will be able to access?
  • Personalization services.
  • Add internal promotion features like discounts or attractors.
  • What additional facilities will your website/mobile app offer: electronic forums, searchable customer feedback, mailing lists, etc?
  • The functionality of the website and mobile app: How will access to product information be organized: customers will be presented with the index of products, with a search engine, or with both? Also, what kinds of requests can the customers make (for instance, if your database offers clothes, will the customers be able to search by size, by category (men/women/kids), by kind (sweaters, jeans, etc.), by the label, by price range, by any combination of the above?)
  • The functionality of the shopping cart: would it be possible to select several products, specify quantity, buy only some of the products on the cart, and so on.
  • The order form design for the purchased products.
  • There should be an electronic payment system.
  • Any other forms will the customers fill? For instance, you might add a rating and comment features. You also may have a feedback form, a form for checking on an order, a form to request e-mail updates about a product, or products, and so on.
  • You should link your developed business with any of the available business analytics that help in analysing the processes for your business in a well-organized dashboard.
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