The Case of Diego Garcia

Learning Goal: I’m working on a history writing question and need the explanation and answer to help me learn.

Week 12 – The Case of Diego Garcia

Assignment instructions

Please provide a clear and direct answer to the week’s question. Write in paragraphs using complete sentences (no bullet points). Each answer should be no longer than one double-spaced page (approximately 250 words). Students may draw on the course readings for supporting evidence in their answers wherever relevant. Students are not required to do any external research but may do so if they believe this will improve an answer.

Question – Week 12 – The Case of Diego Garcia

In their paper “Securitisation and Diego Garcia” Mark Salter and Can Mutlu discuss four ‘securitizing moves’ in relation to the island of Diego Garcia. What are these four moves, and how, in your view, do they relate to one another?

Requirements: 250 words

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