The Equifax Data Breach

Case Studies
The Equifax Data Breach
Equifax, along with Experian and
TransUnion, is one of the “Big Three” credit
reporting agencies in the United States. All
three companies offer credit monitoring
services as their core business. There are
many regulations and restrictions governing
the collection and use of credit data, but
these companies have enjoyed stable sales
and profits for many years. Equifax is based
in Atlanta and its long history traces back to

  1. It employs over 10,400 employees
    worldwide and maintains data on 820 million
    All three agencies exchange data with banks
    and other financial companies that extend
    credit. They develop “credit scores” for how
    well a consumer has handled his or her
    credit and debt obligations. This score and
    the accompanying credit report detailing a
    person’s credit history are then sold to
    banks, credit unions, retail credit card
    issuers, auto lenders, mortgage lenders, and
    others who rely on this information when
    they make loans, issue credit cards, or offer
    consumers mortgages and home equity
    loans. It is also used by banks to check this
    information before issuing bank credit cards
    such as Visa or MasterCard. Equifax,
    Experian, and TransUnion have most likely
    compiled credit histories for nearly every
    adult U.S. citizen.
    In early September 2017, Equifax
    announced that hackers had gained illicit
    access to the personal information of 143
    million people. The data included social
    security numbers, birth dates, phone
    numbers, email addresses, driving license
    numbers, and, in some cases, credit card
    numbers. The total number expanded to 148
    million by March 2018. The pilfering of social
    security numbers was particularly worrisome
    since that number in the wrong hands
    creates opportunities for identity theft and
    other types of fraud.
    The Equifax data breach is one of the three
    worst data breaches in U.S. history along
    with Yahoo and Marriott. The Marriott data
    hack of 2018 affected 500 million users. In
    September 2016, Yahoo revealed a serious
    data security breach that had occurred 2
    years earlier when 500,000 million records
    were compromised. Several months later, in
    December, 2016, Yahoo informed its users
    of another newly discovered data breach.
    That breach occurred in 2013 and affected
    more than 1 billion Yahoo users. However,
    despite the magnitude of the Yahoo and
    Marriott breaches, the Equifax data breach is
    considered more damaging because social
    security numbers and birth dates were
    involved. As one security expert observed,
    “This data is the key to everyone’s files and
    interactions with financial services,
    government, and health care.”
    After the announcement was made, the
    credit reporting agency was heavily criticized
    for waiting until September 7 to reveal this
    data breach to the public. The breach
    actually took place in March 2017 and went
    undetected for almost 3 months. It was
    discovered in late July, but the company
    decided to withhold this information from the
    public until it was able to verify the scope of
    the breach. Thus, Equifax’s public
    announcement did not happen until 6 weeks
    after the company had learned about the
    incident and 4 months after the hackers had
    penetrated the Equifax network.
    Cause of the Data Breach
    Not long before the data hack
    announcement, the CEO of Equifax, Rick
    Smith, reaffirmed his company’s commitment
    to cybersecurity. In answer to a question at a
    mid-August breakfast meeting Smith said
    that protecting consumer data was a “huge
    priority” for the company. However,
    according to several cyber risk analysis
    companies, weaknesses and flaws were
    obvious in the Equifax network well before
    this dangerous data breach had occurred.
    The company had long been considered an
    attractive target for identity thieves because
    of its defective cybersecurity practices.
    But exactly what went wrong at Equifax?
    The breach was enabled by a security flaw
    in a program called Apache Struts, a widely
    used web application development software
    product. Through that software bug, hackers
    gained access to the software underlying the
    Equifax online dispute portal and from there
    accessed the internal company databases.
    Hackers were able to send data to a server
    that was equipped to take advantage of the
    software flaw. It was “the digital equivalent of
    popping open a side window to sneak into a
    Apache issued a patch for the problem as
    soon as it was discovered. The U.S. Security
    Readiness Team, which is part of the
    Department of Homeland Security, sent out
    a public alert on March 8, 2017 about the
    software flaw. On March 9, Equifax’s Global
    Threats and Vulnerability Management
    (GTVM) team released an internal notice
    declaring the urgent need to install the patch
    for any Apache Struts applications. The
    GTVM alerted its programmers and
    developers that the patch should be installed
    as soon as possible and no later than 48
    hours from receipt of its March 9 memo.
    However, Equifax did not patch the Apache
    Struts software flaw until August, 4 months
    later and well after the fatal intrusion
    occurred. There were two problems. First,
    Equifax’s chief developer for the online
    dispute portal, which used the hacked
    Apache application, was not on the GTVM
    memo distribution list. Second, in response
    to the alert about the Apache Struts problem,
    Equifax scanned its network to identify the
    vulnerable versions of this program. But the
    scanning tool did not perform a thorough
    search at every level of the network and did
    not identify the vulnerable version of the
    Apache Struts application that was used for
    the online dispute portal. Part of the problem
    was the company’s failure to maintain a
    comprehensive and up-to-date information
    technology (IT) inventory. Without that
    inventory, the scanning tools could not be
    properly directed to find all the instances of
    the Apache Struts vulnerability.
    In contrast to Equifax, both of its rivals,
    TransUnion and Experian, received the
    same alert from Homeland Security and the
    same patch from Apache Struts. Both
    companies patched vulnerable versions of
    the software within days of receiving the
    patch and neither suffered a data breach
    because of this security flaw.
    The 2015 Security Audit
    Critics of Equifax have said that its IT and
    security capabilities have not kept pace with
    its lofty ambitions. CEO Smith had
    transformed Equifax from a credit reporting
    agency into a data giant by purchasing other
    companies with databases that tracked
    information about consumers’ employment
    history, salaries, and so forth. Equifax was
    becoming a “global data-analytics company.”
    But Smith and his executive team
    concentrated more on data collection and
    processing and not so much on securing that
    As a result, Equifax lagged behind basic
    security maintenance, despite the fact that
    the data of credit firms tends to attract many
    opportunistic hackers. Security ratings
    companies sounded the alarm but no one at
    Equifax seemed to be listening. In April
    2017, the cyber risk analysis firm, Cyence,
    rated the likelihood of a dangerous data
    breach at Equifax during the next 12 months
    at 50%. Also, according to Cyence, in their
    peer group of 23 companies the credit
    reporting agency was second to last.
    Security Scorecard ranked Equifax “in the
    middle of the pack” among financial services
    companies. The reason for the low score
    was the use of older software and tardiness
    in installing patches. And Fair Isaac Corp
    gave Equifax a 550 FICO score on a scale
    that ranges from 300 to 850. The score
    takes into account hardware, network
    security, and web services.
    Equifax appeared to be blindsided by the
    breach and allegations of its weak security
    infrastructure that followed its announcement
    to many dismayed consumers who found out
    that their personal information may have
    been stolen. But the company had ample
    warning that its security system was
    vulnerable and in need of improvement.
    In 2015, an internal security audit was
    conducted to review the state of
    cybersecurity and the company’s current
    policies. The audit exposed salient
    cybersecurity flaws and deficiencies in the
    Equifax network. The report concluded
    “current patch and configuration
    management controls are not adequately
    designed to ensure Equifax systems are
    securely configured and patched in a timely
    manner.” The audit called attention to
    Equifax’s failure to confirm the successful
    implementation of patches. According to the
    audit, “most Equifax systems are not
    patched in a timely manner.” The audit report
    also underscored a large number of
    vulnerabilities in the company’s IT systems.
    The report cited 1,000 vulnerabilities on
    externally facing systems and 7,500 on
    internal systems spread across 22,000 host
    servers. Despite these findings, there were
    no follow-up audits subsequent to the
    disappointing 2015 report.
    After the breach and the consumer backlash
    it generated, there were predictions that
    regulators would impose strict new rules on
    the credit-reporting industry. But no new
    regulations have been implemented in the
    United States. There are still no federal laws
    mandating notification of data breaches
    within a certain time frame. Equifax had to
    endure only minimal adverse consequences,
    but it has budgeted an additional $200
    million for IT security. The Consumer
    Financial Protection Bureau, the agency
    responsible for the protection and security of
    consumer data, initiated no punitive actions
    against Equifax. The Federal Trade
    Commission also refrained from taking any
    enforcement action against this creditreporting company.
  2. Discuss the moral issues in this case
    and whether or not Equifax’s actions
    constitute a moral failing.
  3. Should companies like Equifax be
    compelled to announce data breaches
    to the public within a certain time frame
    (e.g., 72 hours after discovery)? What
    would be the downside of legalizing
    such a requirement?
  4. In your opinion, why was security so lax
    at Equifax and how can this laxity be
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