The Policy-Based Profession: An Introduction to Social Welfare Policy Analysis for Social Workers

  1. Read Chapter 12 (Politics and Social Welfare Policy) and Chapter 13 (Taking Action: Policy Practice for Social Workers) in the textbook, The Policy-Based Profession: An Introduction to Social Welfare Policy Analysis for Social Workers.
  2. Navigate to the threaded discussion and respond to the following discussion prompts: Provide meaningful and detailed responses using proper sentence structure, grammar, and APA style.
    1. Identify the policy you chose for your PowerPoint analysis and briefly explain the model of policy making from chapter 12 that best describes how this policy has been developed to date. Discuss also whether you think this is a helpful approach to policy development in your chosen area and why.
    2. Identify and briefly describe one skill or strategy from each of the main areas described in chapter 13 (Analytical Skills, Interactional Skills, Political Skills) that you think would be helpful to you as a social worker in addressing any policy recommendations or changes to your chosen PowerPoint Policy in the future and explain how.
    3. Finally, describe 1-2 two important ideas or areas of learning about policy or policy analysis that you have gained from this course and how you think it will help you as a social worker.
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