The purpose of this paper is to give you some practical experience becoming historically minded scholars by having you historicize your own life.

Assessment Instruction: Historical Autobiography

Purpose of this Assessment

The purpose of this paper is to give you some practical experience becoming historically minded scholars by having you historicize your own life. Therefore, it should delineate important events in your life as well as explain how your personal experiences have connected to key moments in your family’s, community’s, and nation’s history.

Core IMPACTS: This assignment, will help us fulfill all 3 Career Ready Competencies:

  • Critical Thinking
  • Intercultural Competence
  • Persuasion

This assignment will also help fulfill key course Outcomes:

  • Communication/historical writing – by giving you some writing experience
  • Critical Thinking – by evaluating and analyzing the key historical moments in your own life


Write a 750-1000 word (~3 page) personal autobiography.

  • At a minimum, I expect you to discuss three pivotal events to your life.
    • Whenever possible, clearly connect your life to world events—how you were influenced by them and how you influenced them.
  • Please make sure to include an introduction and conclusion.
  • Utilize proper grammar, spelling, and punctuation rules.
  • If possible, please include a picture of yourself.
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