The purpose of this project is to understand the use of technology and data in combatting climate change in your country.  Specifically, this project helps government agencies better monitor your country’s climate change-related mitigation and adaptation activities through an extensive literature review.

1. Introduction

1.1.       Purpose Statement

The purpose of this project is to understand the use of technology and data in combatting climate change in your country.  Specifically, this project helps government agencies better monitor your country’s climate change-related mitigation and adaptation activities through an extensive literature review.

This project aims to shed light on:

  • What technologies are used in your country to measure, understand, mitigate, and combat the effects of climate change;
  • The use/application of existing technologies to develop responses to climate crises; and
  • The emerging technologies or data collection practices which are being developed to measure and mitigate the effects of climate change.

1.2.       Basic Information about Your Country

You may want to add some basic information about your country, including a brief history, population, location with a map, macroeconomic indicators (e.g., GDP), etc.

You may also want to describe your country’s security conditions from the U.S. Bureau of Conflict and Stabilization Operations (CSO) perspective.

1.3.       General Policy Context of Your Country

You may want to add some political atmosphere or policy events, including climate or environment-related accidents, political movement, etc.

2.      Climate Change Policy

This section describes the climate change policy of your country…

2.1.       Severity of Climate Change in Your Country

You may want to add some information about the negative consequences of climate change in your country. Since the transportation and power/energy sectors are substantial to the emission of greenhouse gases, you may also want to mention the level of energy consumption (particularly, fossil fuels) in those sectors, the level of environmental pollution, etc.

Table 1. Key Energy Indicators, South Africa 2019

Energy production (TJ)Total primay energy supply (Mt of CO2)Electricity final consumption (Twh)Total CO2 emissions (Mt of CO2)
6689.25 (39.49%)140.13 (56.19%)224.56 (43.96%)433.57 (77.81%)

NOTE: Values in parenthesis are incrementals from 1990.

SOURCE: International Energy Agency.

Figure 1. Coal Final Consumption by Sector, South Africa 1990-2019

A graph with different colored lines

Description automatically generated

SOURCE: International Energy Agency

2.2.       Mitigation Policy

Your country’s climate change mitigation policy is …

You may refer to laws, two different approaches (i.e., command and control; market-based). Also, information about policy formulation, implementation, and evaluation could be added.

2.3.       Adaptation Policy

Your country’s climate change adaptation policy is … 

You may refer to laws, two different approaches (i.e., command and control; market-based). Also, information about policy formulation, implementation, and evaluation could be added.

Use the APA style ( See an example below.

Sylla, M. B., Nikiema, P. M., Gibba, P., Kebe, I., & Klutse, N. A. B. (2016). Climate change over West Africa: Recent trends and future projections. Adaptation to climate change and variability in rural West Africa, 25-40.

Roudier, P., Ducharne, A., & Feyen, L. (2014). Climate change impacts on runoff in West Africa: a review. Hydrology and Earth System Sciences, 18(7), 2789-2801.

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