The Zara case shows how information systems can impact every single management discipline. Which management disciplines were mentioned in this case? How does technology impact each?

Answer any 4 questions.

i.The Zara case shows how information systems can impact every single management discipline. Which management disciplines were mentioned in this case? How does technology impact each?

ii.Would a traditional Internet storefront work well with Zara’s business model? Why or why not?

iii.Zara’s just-in-time, vertically integrated model has served the firm well, but an excellent business is not a perfect business. Describe the limitations of Zara’s model and list steps that management might consider to minimize these vulnerabilities.

iv.What challenges might Zara face in expanding to China or to the United States? Do you think Zara should increase capacity in Spain or open a regional distribution center in another part of the world? What are the pros and cons of each approach?

v.Search online to find examples of firms that suffered production problems because they employed just-in-time manufacturing or kept limited inventory on hand. What caused the production problems? List any steps you can think of that the firms might consider to minimize the potential of such problems from occurring in the future. What role might technology play in your solution?

Requirements: 150-200 words per question

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