TransGlobal Airlines

Review the guidelines and rubric document for Milestone One, including the information packages for the three companies. Then submit a word document sharing your expectations from and understanding of the scenario and corresponding requirements. consider the following criteria:

  1. Share your expectations and understanding of the scenario. Identify any initial questions or concerns you have regarding:
    • The project scenario
    • The performance parameters or metrics of the companies involved
    • The deliverables expected in Milestone One
  2. In preparation for the upcoming milestone, address the following:
    • Review the profile information for TransGlobal Airlines. Why do you think TransGlobal is interested in the acquisition? What do they hope to gain from it?
    • Review the information documents for Company A and Company B. What aspects of their profile do you believe make them attractive acquisition targets for TransGlobal Airlines?
    • If you have any additional questions or require additional support from your instructor, let your instructor know either in this video or through an alternative format.

What to Submit

  submit this assignment in  1- to 2-page Word document or a 1- to 2-slide PowerPoint presentation.

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About the Author: admin