Unit 4

In Mary Shelley’s Frankenstein, the titular character, Victor Frankenstein, creates a sentient being through unconventional means, igniting a cascade of ethical dilemmas. Drawing upon your understanding of the novel and incorporating additional research, construct an argument regarding the ethical usage of artificial intelligence (AI) in contemporary society. In your essay, provide concrete examples from Frankenstein to illustrate key points and support your arguments with relevant research from scholarly texts and other sources. Consider multiple perspectives and engage with counterarguments to strengthen your analysis. Ultimately, propose recommendations for ethical AI development and usage based on the insights gleaned from both the novel and your research.


Multi-paragraph paper with an introduction paragraph, body paragraphs, and a concluding paragraph.

Compose 5-7, MLA-formatted pages. That means at least 5-pages (not 4 ¾ pages) (write to the absolute bottom of the 5th page) and no more than 7-pages.

The above page requirement does not include the Works Cited page.

  • For instance, if your essay is 6-pages, then the Works Cited page will be on the 7th
  • For instance, if you write 4-pages and your Works Cited is on the 5th page, you still need to write another page before the Works Cited page.

Write using MLA formatting guidelines.


Integrate at least 5 quotes/paraphrases.

Utilize at least 5 different sources from the following list. These are mandatory sources.

  1. Our class text, Frankenstein
  2. A source you found from our library’s databases that is different from any source presented in our class
  3. Another source you found from our library’s databases that is different from any source presented in our class
  4. reputable, relevant website that is different from any source presented in our class
  5. Your 5th source can be any of the source types from 2-4 listed above (as long as it is a different source), or any other type of source (book, video, magazine article, television episode, song lyric, interview, etc.). Like 2-4 above, this needs to be a source you researched on your own, outside of the ones provided in our class.

Review the following lessons in our OER Textbook Links to an external site. to help get started with your draft, review requirements, understand formatting, and write your paper:

  • Utilizing Prompts
  • Effective Rhetoric
  • Parts of a Paper
  • All About Evidence
  • The Writing Process
  • MLA Formatting
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