Using the leadership brand, strengths, and developmental needs listed below, as well as the leadership assessment results and assessment


Using the leadership brand, strengths, and developmental needs listed below, as well as the leadership assessment results and assessment summaries attached, write a 3 1/2 to 5-page paper (12 pt. Times New Roman Double Spaced) addressing the following:

  • Your personal framing of leadership relative to your experiences, interests, and objectives.
  • Your leadership “brand” (What is at the core of your present AND/OR future leadership vision, style and approach.)
  • Your short-term (12-18 months) and long-term (3+ years) leadership goals.
  • 3 Key Strengths, with each Strength supported by 3-5 specific and comprehensive data points from your leadership assessment results.
  • 3 Development Needs, with each Need supported by 3-5 specific and comprehensive data points from your leadership assessment results.
  • Your specific, actionable, and time-framed plan for building your leadership capabilities and skills.

View and use the attached leadership assessment results and assessment summaries listed in parenthesis next to each leadership brand, strengths, and developmental needs for specific and comprehensive data points to support the essay.

Leadership assessment results (PDF) and assessment summaries (Word Files) :

Leadership Brand

My leadership brand is built on:

–       transformational leadership (FROM: Transformational Leadership Inventory)

–       my dependability (FROM: Leadership Trait Questionnaire)

–       and my commitment to fostering team excellence (FROM: Team Leadership Questionnaire)


–       Relationship-Oriented: (FROM: EOC-Q Ch 4: Leadership Behavior Questionnaire – High score of 50)

–       Good technical skills (FROM: Skills Inventory Questionnaire- Scored a strong 28)

–       commitment to inclusive leadership (FROM: Inclusive Leadership Reflection Instrument)

Development Needs

–       putting followers first ( FROM: Servant Leadership Questionnaire)

–       not outgoing (FROM: Leadership Trait Questionnaire)

–       not the best at facilitating in team settings (FROM: Inclusive Leadership Reflection Instrument)

Note: All Leadership assessment results are uploaded as PDFs, and all assessment summaries are uploaded as Word Files. 

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