Video Analysis

Virtual behavior management video analysis task:

Purpose: Complete a virtual video simulation to reflect on your current practices and develop your ability to assist others implement PBIS. Determine the next steps for your classroom. Provide a “sample colleague” feedback and suggestions to improve their practice.

Step 1: Review TKES Standard 7 Positive Learning Environment fact sheets packet. Checklist packet. LeaderEffectiveness/Documents/Professional%20Leanring%20Documents%202019-2020/TKES%20Fact%20Sheets/Fact%20Sheet%20TKES%20Performance%20Standard%2 07.pdf

Step 2: Familiarize yourself with the indicators embedded in each packet section. Before Step 3, have a blank notes page and copy of page 8 ready.

ep 2: Go to this website and select one of the unedited High Leverage practices video clips of your same grade band

Video Name: Unedited Video Clip #3: Upper Elementary Full-Group Math Lesson

Step 3: The first time you watch the video, record what you notice throughout the lesson. Record your observations on paper.

Step 4: Watch the video a second time. This time, use page 8 from the TKES fact sheet packet to complete a simulated walkthrough of your “sample colleague.” Add any applicable feedback from your notes to the walkthrough.

Step 5: Reflect on your current classroom environment. Select 3 of the 7 environment indicators from the TKES Standard 7 fact sheet. Write a 250-word reflection on your classroom environment and at least 1 thing you will change for next year for each of the 3 indicators.

Step 6: Upload all 3 of these as separate artifacts: a. Notes from the video first watch (may be handwritten or typed), b. completed “walkthrough” of your sample colleague’s lesson, c. your 250-word reflection on current practice.

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