virtualization software

Please select a virtualization software and prepare one file to:
1. show the URL (web link) for downloading the virtualization software that you selected.
2. summarize the key capabilities of this virtualization software.
• If the summary is not in your own words, you will not receive credits.
• If the reader does not know what the software is or what it can do, by reading your summary, your
summary is incorrect.
3. show how you install/configure this virtualization software.
• You need to include the step-by-step screenshots for installing/configuring the software.
4. show or describe how you run this virtualization software.
By reading your submitted file, the reader needs to
• know what this virtualization software can do
• be able to download this virtualization software
• be able to install/configure this virtualization software
• be able to run this virtualization software

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About the Author: admin