Water Quality Project

For this project you need to find your city’s current water quality report. You should be able to access this online as it is public record. Utilize the report to answer and research the questions below.

You will have the choice in how you want to present your information using one of the following digital formats.

  • Infographic
  • Pamphlet
  • PowerPoint
  • Poster
  • Canva

You will make a digital presentation of your research. This project will not be narrated. Please make sure your project is informative and attractive. This project is worth a total of 65 points.

  1. Pick any 2 contaminants listed on the report that interest you. Research the significance of these contaminants. Be sure to include the following for each of your contaminants: (18 points total)
    1. What are their effects on humans? (3 pts)
    2. What are their effects on the environment? (3 pts)
    3. What levels are too high for human consumption? (3 pts)
    4. What levels are unsafe for the environment? (3 pts)
    5. What are the sources of the contaminants? There is probably more than one of these, please explain the sources in detail. (3 pts)
    6. What are some ways everyone can help reduce these contaminants in the water? (This should be preventative such as not putting motor oil down the drain etc; ways that reduce the contaminant from entering the water cycle in the first place). (3 pts)
  1. Research watersheds (16.5 points total)
    1. What are they? (1.5 pts)
    2. Why should you care about them? (1.5 pts)
    3. What body of water does your watershed, where you live, lead too? (go too: https://tinyurl.com/nlcwatershed to find out) (1.5 pts)
    4. How healthy is your water shed? List any pollutants (this can be found by clicking on the “impaired water for this watershed” link) (1.5 pts)
    5. Research 1 of the pollutants in your watershed. (Must be different from the contaminants in part 1). (1.5 pts)

Note: If your watershed doesn’t contain contaminants, please go “upstream” until you find contaminants in the watershed. Please know that in order to receive points for this part, there must be 2 contaminants included in your presentation.

    1. What are their effects on humans? (1.5 pts)
    2. What are their effects on the environment? (1.5 pts)
    3. What levels are too high for human consumption? (1.5 pts)
    4. What levels are unsafe for the environment? (1.5 pts)
    5. What are the sources of the contaminants? There is probably more than one of these. (1.5 pts)
    6. What are some ways everyone can help reduce these contaminants in the water? (This is usually going to be preventative such as not putting motor oil down the drain etc; ways that reduce the contaminant from entering the water cycle in the first place). (1.5 pts)
  1. Water usage and water conservation (16.5 points total):
    1. What is a water footprint? (1.5 pts)
    2. What industries have large water footprints?
      1. Discuss 2 industries and what leads to a large water usage for each industry chosen (3 pts)
    3. What individual activities use the most water?
      1. Discuss 4 activities and how much water is typically used for each activity (6 pts)
    4. List at least 4 tips for reducing water usage. At least 2 should be based on the activities listed in part c. (3 pts)
    5. Is it important to learn about water footprints and reducing water consumption? Why or why not? (3 pts)
  2. Presentation (6 points)
    1. Digital presentation represents the required information in an engaging manner utilizing small bits of information accompanied by pictures/artwork that compliments the topic.
    2. The information is easy to follow and simple in its presentation.
    3. The presentation is limited in grammatical errors.
  1. Works Cited (3 points)
    1. MLA format, 3 or more sources (you can put these on the last slide of your presentation or submit them on a separate document).
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