
Note: Length of paper 3 – 5 pages not including the cover or reference page. Use 3-5 references to support your background research and related information. Submit (upload) as a Word document in the assignment area.

Webinars are an effective way to obtain on-demand information regarding issues and challenges that leaders face. This assignment is designed to help students learn about various resources available for professional development, as well as engage in the thoughtful examination of pertinent leadership topics.

Some suggested links are listed below. Remember to choose only those that are free.

Many of these seminars are accompanied by power point presentations so you can “view” them as you listen to the speaker. Some seminars are not accompanied by graphics. After you have listened to your chosen seminar, prepare a 3-5 page narrative paper which addresses the following areas:

  1. Rationale for your selection
  2. Summary of the speaker’s key points
  3. Describe how this content is or is not reflected in your present work.
  4. Explain what ideas, strategies you would implement or apply into your own setting.
    1. Describe How applying the speaker’s message can change your work place

Be sure your paper is in correct APA style (7th ed.), and there are no grammar or spelling errors. Please refer to your APA manual or see http://rasmussen.libanswers.com/faq/32858Links to an external site. for how to properly cite webinars within your paper (in-text) and reference list.


ElementAccomplishedGoodSatisfactoryNeeds Improvement
Rationale and Appropriateness of selected seminarRationale stated clearly and topic selected relates to issues and concepts relevant to organizational leadership Rationale provided Topic related to organizational leadershipRationale for selection is somewhat stated Topic is somewhat relatedRationale and Topic are unrelated to organizational leadership
Discusses how the key points can be used to change the current workplaceSuccinct and clear summary of speaker’s topicIncludes a summary of key pointsSummary is included though somewhat long and vagueSummary is missing
Includes a discussion of seminar content in present workplcaeProvides a specific discussion of how content relates or not to present worksiteDiscusses relationship of content to worksiteProvides some discussion on relationship of seminar contern to current worksiteDiscussion of seminar content relationship to worksite is missing
Discusses how the key points can be used to change the current workplaceProvides specific  points on how topic points may apply to cause change at workplaceProvides points on how topic points may apply to cause change at workplaceProvides some points on how topic points may apply to cause change at workplaceComments on how key points may change current workplace are missing
APA and Writing Style  Paper is free of errors and appropriately adheres to APAPaper has a few errors and appropriately adheres to APAPaper has some errors in APA format and grammarPaper has multiple APA and grammar errors
Total points possible: 25

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