What are the benefits and disadvantages for African American studies to have various disciplines and methodologies instead of a singular approach  ?

Part I

Definition of Terms and Concepts. Answer all of the following short answers questions (Sentences must be at least 4 sentences each).

1.     What are the benefits and disadvantages for African American studies to have various disciplines and methodologies instead of a singular approach  ?

  1. What is  the master narrative of Slavery or the “theory “ of American Slavery and what has been the approach of Black studies scholars ? How should we understand gender and slavery,  use at least one reading ?
  2. Define what is race ?  What is the differences between race being a social construction and biological and provide 1 strength and  1 weaknesses of these construction? – Your answer must use readings for support.
  3. Define Racial Uplift– what were its benefits and limitations ? Identify the thematic time frame that racial uplift emerges (not looking for dates- provide historical context). Provide two examples from the readings of individuals and communities participation in racial uplift.
  4. According to Ida B. Wells what was the cause for lynching in the United States?  Discuss how her work on lynching addressed the plight of African American women during that time.

Section II :25 points each

Critical Analysis

Write a well-organized response to the following two questions. Provide a maximum of a three paragraph response minimum two paragraph .  You should support your points appropriately with references to the assigned readings. All quotes should be referenced properly. (Author , Pg#)   You should refer to at least two different class readings. YOU CANNOT USE ANY OUTSIDE SOURCES FOR THIS RESPONSE  !!! If you PLAGARIZE You will receive an automatic F and face other penalties . The response  does not require outside research.  Remember, plagiarism (using author’s words as your own without referencing them) will not be tolerated!  This is not a creative writing assignment -ANSER THE QUESTION FULLY

1.     Define the Black Reconstruction Era and discuss its historical importance ?  Identify 3 distinct areas where Black people sought to redefine their life during this era.  – Highlight 2 institutions and or organizations created by Black people  and its significance in Black life. Lastly identify one success and failure of the Black Reconstruction era.

2.     Define what an academic canon is ? How does the importance of the cannon impact the field of Black Studies ?  Select two “corrective” examples within Black studies that confronts the dominance of the cannon within the academy . Lastly identify two  class articles (not Freedom on my Mind)  that should be seen as making an academic intervention against the cannon and explain why

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