What are the interpersonal skills of a manager? What is the importance of interpersonal skills of a manager? How can interpersonal skills be improved?

Assignment Question
What are the interpersonal skills of a manager? What is the importance of interpersonal skills of a manager? How can interpersonal skills be improved?
Assignment Guidance
1- To answer the assignment questions, write an essay no less than four pages excluding cover
2- Students ought to use references rather than the course textbooks.
3- In your essay follow: (Specifications: 12, font type: Times New Roman, spacing: single).
4- Use APA (American Psychological Association) style formatting in both citations and
5- Your essay should include Introduction, main body (Analysis with clear articulating of your
perspective) and conclusion.
6- Use the cover page sent to you with this guidance, to include student name, number, and section.
7- The due date of assignment submission on (LMS) is no later than 11:59 pm,
08/02/2024,however, you can submit before that whenever you ready.

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