What did the Covid-19 pandemic change in students’ plans and dreams for college?

Final Assessment (F-TAP-Version B1)
Semester : Summer Year : 2021
Course Title : English Composition
Course Code : ENGL106-7
Instructor(s) : Havva Tuba Aktas, Monika Sebestova
(Includes names of all instructors teaching this course)
Submission Date :
To be completed by the student
Student Name :
Student ID : Department :
Major : Section : U1-VB1
Integrity Statement : “I affirm that I completed my assignment on my own abiding by the rules in ACM Student Handbook. I did not receive any external help, use any unlawful resources, or commit plagiarism.”
Signature :
Grading Scheme
Question Earned Points Max. Points Question Earned Points Max. Points
1 Essay 100 6
2 7
3 8
4 9
5 10

Total Earned Points Total Available Points Instructor Name
Monika Sebestova
Important Notes:

  • Any attempt at plagiarism will be reported. All ACM handbook academic misconduct rules will be applied.
  • It is the responsibility of the student to submit this online exam paper to the instructed online platform (Moodle, Turnitin)

I. Writing Question (100 Pts)
Choose ONE of the topics given. Write a well-developed 5 paragraph essay about the topic you have chosen. It is advised to do some research

  • to support the points you want to make in your essay
  • to provide in-text and end-text references.
    See the Essay Rubric for grading criteria.

TOPIC 1: What did the Covid-19 pandemic change in students’ plans and dreams for college?
TOPIC 2: Why do teenagers get addicted to virtual reality games

Essay Rubric

Criteria Excellent

10 Good

8 Below Average

6 Ineffective

Introduction Includes all the necessary items. Starts with a catchy HOOK, satisfying amount of Background Info, ends with a very well devised Thesis Statement Includes all the necessary items. There is a HOOK, Background Info, and a Thesis Statement. Includes not all of the necessary items. One or two of them are missing and or not enough. Includes one or none of the necessary items. No Thesis statement.
Opens with a Topic Sentence. There are 3 strong supporting ideas backed up with examples/details. Opens with a Topic Sentence. There are 3 supporting ideas backed up with some examples/details. No Topic Sentence present. There are some supporting ideas /some examples/details. No Topic Sentence and no supporting ideas.
Body#2 Opens with a Topic Sentence. There are 3 strong supporting ideas backed up with examples/details. Opens with a Topic Sentence. There are 3 supporting ideas backed up with some examples/details. No Topic Sentence present. There are some supporting ideas /some examples/details. No Topic Sentence and no supporting ideas.
Body#3 Opens with a Topic Sentence. There are 3 strong supporting ideas backed up with examples/details. Opens with a Topic Sentence. There are 3 supporting ideas backed up with some examples/details. No Topic Sentence present. There are some supporting ideas /some examples/details. No Topic Sentence and no supporting ideas.
Conclusion Opens with a Restated Thesis Statement. Gives a successful wrapping.
Closes with a strong Final Comment. Opens with a Restated Thesis Statement. Closes with a strong Final Comment. Includes not all of the necessary items. One or two of them are missing and or not enough. No Restated Thesis present. Weak Final Comment.
Coherence Transitions are used effectively and meaningfully all through the essay.
Some transitions are used meaningfully in the text.
Some transitions are used in the text.
Transitions are rarely used in the text.
Unity Text is unified. All the text evolves around one central idea. Text is somewhat unified. The text has some uneven spots. Text struggles to be unified. There are irrelevant spots. Text is not unified. Each paragraph tells a different idea.
Sentence Skills Text has no faulty sentences. No Fragments/RunOns/etc Most sentences are correctly formed. Only few Fragments/RunOns/etc Around half of the sentences are faulty. Most of the sentences are faulty.
Mechanics Text has no Punctuation, Capitalization, Spelling mistakes. Text has very few Punctuation , Capitalization, Spelling mistakes. Text has Punctuation, Capitalization, Spelling mistakes. Most of the text has Punctuation, Capitalization, Spelling mistakes.
APA Elements of Referencing All parts of the In-Text and End-text referencing (author, title, publisher etc.) are included correctly. One part of a referencing is missing in one place. More than one part of a referencing is missing. Little to no attempt to use APA correctly
TOTAL: _ / 100

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