What did you learn about how Tovani thinks about reading? What did you learn about your thinking about adolescents and reading?

Tovani Chapter 4: Tovani, C (2021) Why do I have to read this? Literacy strategies to engage our most reluctant students. Stenhouse.

  1. As you are reading, note the connections within chapter 4 and other readings or activities.
  2. Create a visual that represents the connections you made. (sample included)

Tovani Video #2

Watch the Tovani video, and then answer the following:

  1. What did you learn about how Tovani thinks about reading? What did you learn about your thinking about adolescents and reading?
  2. Do you agree or disagree with her? Why or why not?
  3. How could you apply the information to your Collaborative Disciplinary Project and your life as a reading specialist? Give a few details.
  4. https://vod.cuchicago.edu/?id=598

Requirements: 3 pages

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