What is the main argument the author is trying to advance?

Critical Reading responses (5% each)

You are asked to make a critical reading response on two readings, within the first 5 weeks of the term.

Each response should be no longer than 600 words. The responses are due on each day when the reading is going to be discussed. Please agree with your TA at the outset of the term, what reading you will be writing a response for.

In your response, try your best to answer the following questions:

1. What is the main argument the author is trying to advance?
2. What are some contending issues, debates and points of disagreement in this reading?
3. What are the most and least convincing arguments?
4. How does this reading relate to the broader issues discussed in the course (including in the fall term)?

An excellent (5-point response) will:

  • Identify and succinctly explain the main argument being proposed.
  • Describe and analyze points of debate and contentions that emerge in the reading.
  • Be able to connect these arguments to broader issues of Globalization and Business and Society.
  • Be well-written, with clearly structured sentences and a well-organized paragraphstructure.
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