What kind of life and experiences do I want for children and families?


In early childhood, we are sometimes faced with difficult situations and decisions. As professionals, we must know our responsibilities to the children and families we serve. The document that can support us in situations that make us uncomfortable is the NAEYC Code of Ethics. This document gives us research-based evidence to support our decisions. Please explain your actions in the situation below using the Code of Ethics.

Imagine a scenario where a teammate is employing practices that you believe are detrimental to the children, such as neglecting to comfort a crying infant. What are your ethical obligations to the children, families, colleagues, and society? How would you effectively communicate your concerns to your teammate, citing the NAEYC Code of Ethics in your response?


For this assignment, you will write your philosophy of teaching infants and toddlers. Your philosophy should not be more than one paragraph. You will want to consider the following questions:

  1. What kind of life and experiences do I want for children and families?
  2. What is the primary purpose of my work?
  3. What do I wish for infants and toddlers?
  4. What do I wish for families of infants and toddlers?
  5. What do I wish for programs for infants and toddlers?
  6. What do I wish for my community, nation, and world to support optimal development for infants and toddlers?



The purpose of the reflective journal is for you to reflect on your values, perceptions, and beliefs about caring for infants and toddlers.


These journal entries should be at least 1 paragraph in length. You will be graded on the depth of your responses to each question. There is no right or wrong answer—just your thoughts. I will provide feedback through questions that may ask you to dig deeper. These assignments are eligible for resubmission.

Reflective Prompt

How does your uniqueness influence the relationships in your life?

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