What strategic options are available for Antiga Confeiteria de Belem to expand their

business? For each opportunity identified, discuss the opportunities (potential benefits to

the company) and risks associated with the opportunity.

The sections of your memorandum should include the following:

1. Problem Statement: State the main problem facing the firm (or industry) in one, succinct


2. Analysis: Summarize the main findings of your analysis within your memorandum. You

may use bullet points, bold, and italics – any means to convey and highlight the key

factors you have determined based on your analysis. Use Appendices to show your

detailed analysis and refer to these Appendices in your memorandum. Please see below

and the case rubric for analysis I am expecting to see in this section.

3. Alternatives: State briefly (one sentence or a bullet point each) 2 or 3 alternative courses

of action that the company could implement.

4. Recommendation: Choose one course of action and support your choice WITH YOUR


Within your report, the following questions should be answered within your analysis (Item #2


1. What are the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats for Antiga Confeiteria de


2. What resources, capabilities, and core competencies does Antiga Confeiteria de Belem

possess and do these resources, capabilities, or competencies meet the test to give the

company a sustainable competitive advantage? (2-part question).

November 20, 2023


3. What strategic options are available for Antiga Confeiteria de Belem to expand their

business? For each opportunity identified, discuss the opportunities (potential benefits to

the company) and risks associated with the opportunity.

4. Using your analysis, what should Miguel Clarinha do?

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