What was Rossetti’s main purpose in writing “Goblin Market”? What problem was she addressing? What solution was she proposing? Where is it shown in the poem?

1.What was Rossetti’s main purpose in writing “Goblin Market”? What problem was she addressing? What solution was she proposing? Where is it shown in the poem?

Your response should be no less than 5 sentences plus quotes, responding to all the questions above.

2.Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland  is an anti-didactic book. What does Anti-Didactic mean? Where do we see evidence in the book for Carroll’s anti-didactic agenda? Use specific examples

3. “Goblin Market” and Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland share some similarities. Identify one such similarity and provide examples for it from each text. 

4. In “The Story of the Good Little Boy,” Twain mocks previous traditions in literature for children. Which traditions is he mocking and how? Use examples from the story to illustrate your thinking.

5. What does the way Grandma Woodchuck interacts with Gluskabi tell us about the role of children in Native American society? Provide examples from the story.

6. Find an example of Mark Twain’s satirical take down of the Cult of Domesticity in “Advice to Young Girls.” Explain how it is revising the ideal of American womanhood. 

7.What did the poets of the Harlem Renaissance try to establish? Use one of Hughes’ poems to show it.

8.What are some of the traditions of African American Storytelling that Herron tries to celebrate in Nappy Hair? Provide examples from the book

9. What are some ways the fact that Anne Frank was a teenager affected The Diary of Anne Frank being banned? Give examples from the excerpt we read. 

10. What is the main message of Heather Has Two Mommies? Why was is banned?

11. What is “Original Sin”? What does it mean regarding the Puritans’ attitude towards children and their education? Use examples from Janeway of Bunyan.

12. What is Tabula Rasa? How did it change attitudes toward children’s education? Where do we see Locke’s influence in Watts’s hymns?

13. In “The Lamb” and “The Tyger,” Blake allows a child to question the works of God. How do these two poems exemplify Blake’s concept of Innocence and Experience? What is the child questioning and why is it subversive?

14. In “Hymn VI,” what tone does Barbauld use to address the child? Use an example from the hymn to show her thinking. In what ways is her tone a criticism of Locke’s Enlightenment ideas about children’s education? 

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