Why did the social sciences as a category of disciplinary interests develop and what larger function do they serve?

Question 1

Write a short essay answering the following questions (100 word minimum):

• Why did the social sciences as a category of disciplinary interests develop and what larger function do they serve?

• What measures do social scientists take in developing sound (or accurate) research?

• What are the differences between quantitative and qualitative forms of research?

• Give some examples of qualitative and quantitative research from the readings and discuss the strengths and weaknesses of each.

Question 2

In a minimum of 100-words, discuss ASU’s Medical Genetics Project at Havasupai.

• What general lessons can be learned from this example?

• What can we learn about designing ethically sound research?

• What insight can we gain about the challenges of multiple-interest research teams?

• Given that interdisciplinary research teams bring together multiple interests, do you think these problems can be avoided?

Question 3

The research methods covered in this unit are not just important to social scientists (or academics). Research skills also serve a function for people working in a variety of other industries. For this question, do the following:

• Choose TWO professions from the list below.

• Write 2-3 sentences for each profession explaining the role that research plays for people working in these occupations.

• Give at least two examples of research methods (or methods of inquiry) for each example you write about.

realtor, legislative policy analyst, police detective, therapist, human resource specialist, high school English teacher, architect, dentist, newspaper reporter, or a director of a women’s shelter.

Question 4

After reading the research on shopping malls, relate an experience you’ve had in a shopping center and analyze it in light of at least TWO reading selections from this collection. How can the different disciplinary interests from these essays help you to understand your experience? (100-word minimum)

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