

Nordstrom, a renowned fashion retailer, claims an average customer rating of 3.4 for one of its products on its website. This assignment challenges students to critically evaluate this claim by conducting their own research into the product reviews. Students will collect a sample of the first 29 customer reviews-ratings (1-5 stars) and apply hypothesis testing to assess the validity of the company-provided population mean rating.


To test the hypothesis that the true average customer rating of the specified product is greater than or equal to the company-provided mean of 3.4, using a sample of customer reviews.


  1. Data Collection:
    • Go to the Nordstrom website and locate the product with the claimed average rating of 3.4. Here is the link:…
    • Record the ratings from the first 29 customer reviews. Ensure data is collected accurately and systematically. Provide a snapshot of the first 29 reviews (in Microsoft word document). These should match the data being used.
  2. Hypothesis Setup:
    • Null Hypothesis (H₀): The population mean rating (μ) is greater than or equal to 3.4. Mathematically, H₀: μ ≥ 3.4 and the alternate hypothesis
  3. Statistical Analysis (Test statistics):
    • Calculate the sample mean and standard deviation (s) of the 29 reviews.
    • Perform a one-sample t-test to determine if the sample mean is significantly less than 3.4.

4. Decision Rule:

  • Determine the critical value (t-critical) for a one-tailed test at a significance level of 0.05 .
  • Reject or Fail to reject H₀ .

Requirements: A Microsoft word with the 29 images of reviews/ratings to support your data Excel showing using excel formulas to show the hypothesis step up, statistical analysis (test statistics), decision rule and interpretation. Conclusion interpreting the results in

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