World’s addiction to plastics and the environmental havoc that has ensued around the world

For the written portion of this class you will select a topic based around the World’s addiction to plastics and the environmental havoc that has ensued around the world. 

Write a 5-6 page research paper; correctly cited using the MLA citation format.   You have the whole semester to complete this paper and late submissions will not be accepted.  (My advice: get this done and out of the way during the earlier portion of the semester when you have less work to do; but it’s up to you.)

(Free web access to correct MLA citation is listed below and will be STRICTLY enforced when your paper is graded),

If you have not used MLA citation before (relevant citation skills are vital if you intend to pursue an education above and beyond your AA at TCC), the library has all the information you require.  You can also Google ‘MLA Citation’ and a variety of resources will be available to you.

Your paper topic choice is broad (biodiversity loss, oceanic and/or riverine water pollution, air pollution (when products are produced), human disease from plastics, climate change implications, effects on fishing, urbanization etc etc), and I expect to have your topic emailed to me before the Midterm Exam.

I expect a minimum of five different quality sources (no Wikipedia or Class Slides please) from peer reviewed sources.  If you have any concerns or questions regarding the paper and/or sources please bring it up in class.  I’m sure your questions will benefit some of our shyer classmates as well.

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About the Author: admin