write a composer born between 1800 and 1980, and need to include 3 piece of him

Learning Goal: I’m working on a history writing question and need the explanation and answer to help me learn.

1. Pick a single composer born between 1800 and 1980 who works primarily with Western Classical instrumentation.

2. Consider multiple works by this composer in a similar genre. For instance take the slow movements of a number of Shostakovich symphonies (3 at least) and see how they relate to each other explaining similarities and differences that you notice in your listening. Listen to at least three different recordings of each piece to get a clear sense of the musical interpretations (rank them in order of preference and list the performance details). Critique the performances.

3. Theoretical observations in form & construction and chord/interval analysis are always welcome. Use any analytical system that you feel comfortable in for your explanation of how the sounds you are hearing fit into a coherent structure.

4. Orchestration details are also always welcome. What are you noticing that jumps out of the texture?

5. Keep the biographical details to a minimum confining such information only in the context of the composer’s life as it relates to the pieces in question. 6. Please consult outside sources of information but make sure to cite every instance of non-original writing that ends up in your paper.

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