write about how you personally identify with the play, as a citizen of your world as it is today

Read Act I, Scenes 1-3 of Sweat, compose an initial post, then engage in a discussion

Discussion topic: In this first discussion, I’d like you to write about how you personally identify with the play, as a citizen of your world as it is today. Even though it takes place in both 2000 and 2008, there are many parts of the first three scenes that should “ring a bell” within your own life in our current world.

Focusing on Act I, scenes 1-3, write a paragraph that addresses at least one of the characters’ situations with which you can identify. Rather than behavior or character traits (like, “I also like to hang out with my friends!), look for some of the larger things that they deal with in their lives, as find one/s that mirror your life. Use specific examples from your own life that you are comfortably sharing. Quote at least one specific line of dialogue to use as an example to support your argument. You will lose points if there is no quote in your initial response.

  1. Post an initial response (5-8 sentences) to the prompt.
    • Use specific examples from the play to support your argument.
    • Draw from personal experience, if you can.
    • Use a quote from the play that supports your argument.
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