Write and clearly label two different brief communications for different purposes, each with its own situational analysis. Your communications may be in letter, memo, e-mail, or other formats.


Write and clearly label two different brief communications for different purposes, each with its own situational analysis. Your communications may be in letter, memo, e-mail, or other formats.

  • Bad News, to provide news that your audience will not like to hear, using either the direct or indirect approach
  • Persuasive communication, to persuade your audience to do something, using the AIDEA approach

The communications may be based on situations that you actually encounter at work, within the community, or with a group. You’re also welcome to create a hypothetical situation, or to create bad news and persuasive messages based on a different aspect of the plastic bag case study. (If so, your persuasive communication needs to be substantially different than the memos created by the groups, either written to a totally different, fifth audience, or for a different aspect of the situation.)

There are 3 parts to this assignment:

  1. Two different situational analyses, one for each audience, filling out the situational analysis worksheet from your course text. The situational analysis is your planning document for the next part, the actual communications.
  2. Two different communications, 1) bad news and 2) persuasive. Your two communications may be brief. Make sure that each communication is appropriate for the communication variables you noted in its situational analysis. Note that you should also use appropriate format, so if a communication is a letter, it needs to have all of the formal letter components; if your communication is a memo, it should follow memo format; etc.

  3. Assignment Completion Questions
    (Note that you will answer these questions for each written assignment and you will refer to this information in W15’s discussion.)
    1. What are the 1-2 main concepts that you learned in this module?
    2. What challenged you in learning the concepts in this module and applying them to create your communication? What might you do in the next module to lessen the challenge?
    3. Identify a real situation that you encountered, or that you anticipate you will encounter, and explain briefly how you might apply a concept you learned in this module to that situation.

Please label each part of the assignment.

Submit all three parts of the assignment in one Word attachment (no .pdfs or other formats, please).

Requirements: 4-5 pages

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