You are the vice president of finance for a consulting firm that has been hired by the city’s mayor and city council to give them a detailed analysis of what it would take to entice a professional team to move to their city. You are a member of the five person team that will conduct the analysis and make a presentation to the mayor and city council. Your responsibility is to provide the financial analysis for the project which includes the construction of a sports venue to accommodate the team.


The major U.S. city has recently had a vote to determine if the citizens want a professional sports team to move to their city, and if they are willing to have a one-cent tax increase to support the cost of such a project. The vote was “Yes” by a large majority.

You are the vice president of finance for a consulting firm that has been hired by the city’s mayor and city council to give them a detailed analysis of what it would take to entice a professional team to move to their city. You are a member of the five person team that will conduct the analysis and make a presentation to the mayor and city council. Your responsibility is to provide the financial analysis for the project which includes the construction of a sports venue to accommodate the team.

The final project for this class is a detailed multimedia presentation of your financial analysis. This is an extensive project which you have been working on during the term. The numbers used in this assignment are to be a realistic estimate based on your research of similar projects.

Use of a multimedia tool (no audio necessary) for example PowerPoint, Prezi, Storybird, etc. If you do not have access to a multimedia presentation application and you do not wish to use one of the free online tools, you can download Open Office at the URL below:

Open Office is a free office productivity suite of products similar to Microsoft Office.

Your presentation must contain the following elements:

  • Thorough discussion of financial concepts covered in this class
  • A capital budget
  • An operating budget for year one
  • A five year return on investment (ROI)
  • Capital structuring for the project
  • At least 15 slides
  • Slides must contain multimedia elements (graphics, animation, audio, etc.)
  • Last slide must be an APA formatted reference page with 5 or more scholarly references

Requirements: 15 slides

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About the Author: admin