you will analyze a genre that members of a discourse community use to share research-based information with each other or the broader public

you will analyze a genre that members of a discourse community use to share research-based information with each other or the broader public. This will be a professional or academic community that you are either already a part of, or one that you would like to join. For example, if you’re studying law and are planning to attend law school, you might focus on law school students as your community (pssst … if this sounds like you, you’re gonna love our first assignment).Throughout this module, you will keep a research journal, which will culminate in a final synthesis of your findings.

Module 2 Project Rubric

For this labor to be recorded as “complete” it must meet all of the following conditions:

The journal’s overall purpose is consistent with the goals of Module 2.
  • The journal entries focus on a single discourse community and a single, well-defined genre that is used by that community.
  • The discourse community (and subsequent genre) is meaningful to you, either academically or professionally.
The journal’s design:
  • Is consistent from entry to entry (in fonts, color, font sizes, images, and/or other design elements)
  • Is purposeful and demonstrates thoughtful attention to the fonts, colors, images/visuals that are appropriate for a research-based genre.
The journal’s organization:
  • Makes use of the organizing tools available in Google docs (Table of Contents, titles, subtitles, headings, etc.)
  • Individual entries show clear transitions between paragraphs, sections, or visual items above and below that show how main points are related to one another.
The journal’s content (the “entries”):
  • Displays curiosity and open-mindedness towards the discourse community and the genre.
  • Incorporates evidence through the use of quotes, paraphrases (with appropriate APA citations) hyperlinks, and/or embedding (video, audio, images).
  • Engages an audience who may not be experts in the subject area but who may be interested in it.
The journal’s style:
  • Maintains an appropriate “persona” for a research-based genre
  • Demonstrates attention to language:
    • sentences are complete with a subject and agreeing verb (few or no fragments or run-on sentences)
    • uses a variety of sentence styles and lengths.
    • uses words correctly and consistently in their meanings.Expectations for your Research Journal Format
      • Three (3) 500-word journal “entries” (these are described in detail in DD9HW4, DD10HW2, and DD11HW3)
      • One (1) final 750-1000 word entry; a synthesis of your research findings (using information from journal entries 1-3)
      • Effective use of hyperlinks, embedding, and/or APA citation for incorporating sources
      • Formatted as a single, navigable Google doc (aka, includes a Table of Contents or other organizing structure for ease of reading)
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