Your reflections should each be approximately 500-600 words in length. They must be a critical response and thoughtful reflection related to class discussions and course materials (readings, videos, etc.).

Your reflections should each be approximately 500-600 words in length. They must be a critical response and thoughtful reflection related to class discussions and course materials (readings, videos, etc.). The below sections have additional instructions for completing the assignment.

Guiding Questions

To complete this assignment, consider the following question prompts:

➔ Reflect on the course materials and class discussions for the unit you chose for each submission: Indigenous and Colonial Foundations of Gender, “Doing” and “Performing” Gender, Intersectionality, Bodies and Bodily Autonomy, Gender and Our Social Institutions, or Social Movements.

➔ What are 4-5 main themes and/or concepts* from the unit? Provide definitions and citations as necessary.

◆ *Note: It will be important to discuss overarching themes/concepts, too. Think about how you can put the various readings, course materials, and class discussions in conversation with one another, especially in terms of similarities and/or differences.

➔  What do these 4-5 main themes and/or concepts provide in terms of tools and frameworks that we can use to analyze gender and understand how it shows up in the social world?

➔  What stuck out to you as either important or surprising from the course materials and class discussions? Why did these things stick out to you?

➔  Was there anything that you had critiques about? How come?

➔  Additional Questions (as necessary)

◆  What did we cover/discuss that you wish we had spent more time on? Why?

◆  Was there anything we didn’t cover/discuss that you wish we had? Why?

◆  Is there anything that came up in the course materials or class

discussions that is still unclear or confusing? Please elaborate.

➔  Conclude this assignment by answering the following question: What does completing this unit mean for you—what did it confirm that you already knew, and/or how will it impact the way you think about and analyze gender moving forward?

Be sure to consult the submission instructions below before submitting this assignment to Blackboard.

Submitting the Assignment

The unit reflection is due no later than December 10th on Blackboard. It is in your best interest to work on, and submit, the assignment relatively soon after we finish the

unit. For example, if you choose our unit on Indigenous and Colonial Foundations of Gender, which spans September 11th-20th, I recommend that you complete the assignment in late September/early October, while the content is still fresh on your mind. I recommend that you apply this similar logic to whichever units you choose.

You can submit each assignment either as a word document or google doc, or a PDF, whichever is easier. I cannot accept files in .pages format, google docs that are private, or other unreadable formats.

Some important things to keep in mind for these assignments:

➔  Remember, this reflection should be approximately between 500-600 words.

➔  I do not have a font type preference, but it should be readable and 12-pt. font.

➔  Use details and elaborate on everything. Give examples and always make sure

to answer the “why” and “how” questions.

➔  You do NOT need to answer all of the questions in the same order that they

appear. They are here to serve as a guide for your assignment, not a map.

➔  Remember to make connections across various readings, course materials,

and class discussions, and cite them as necessary.

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