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Career Counseling

Career Counseling


Prepare Icon
Prepare: Before beginning this discussion, read Chapter 8: Career Counseling in your text, interact with the Educational Psychology and Career Counseling learning objects located in the left navigation bar for this week, and review any relevant Instructor Guidance. 
Reflect Icon

Reflect: Next, select a video from the list provided below, view it, and then reflect on its contents.

Write Icon

Write: For your initial post:

  1. Discuss the video’s content in relation to career
    counseling. Be sure to include terminology from both the textbook and your chosen video in your post.
  2. Describe which theoretical models of career counseling appeared to be utilized by the counselor in the video. Explain your rationale.
  3. How can developing future goals & plans help build motivation in a client?  Explain how goals can motivate you to persevere despite any challenges you may encounter?
  4. Describe counselor and client behaviors you observed that indicated the counselor was working with the client in a culturally effective manner.

Your initial post must be a minimum of 200 words, and you must utilize at least one scholarly source (e.g., the course textbook, a peer reviewed article from the University of Arizona Global Campus Library, or a professional web source) in addition to the video viewed. All sources must be cited according to APA style as outlined in the University of Arizona Global Campus Writing Center (Links to an external site.). For further assistance in researching scholarly sources, be sure to access the tutorials page (Links to an external site.) on the University of Arizona Global Campus Library website.

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Preview YouTube video Career Counseling Role Play Video


Career Counseling Role Play Video



Preview YouTube video Career Counseling Interview


Career Counseling Interview



Preview YouTube video Mock Career Counseling Session - COUN 513


Mock Career Counseling Session - COUN 513



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