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Leadership and Self-Efficacy

Leadership and Self-Efficacy


Prepare Icon
Prepare: Prior to beginning work on this discussion, read the assigned articles and Chapters 9 and 10 in your textbook. Be sure to watch TEDTalks: Shawn Achor—The Happy Secret to Better Work (Links to an external site.) and review any relevant Instructor Guidance prior to completing this discussion. 
Reflect Icon
Reflect: For this discussion, think of one leader (e.g., drill sergeant, teacher, family member, coach, supervisor, mentor, or politician) who has directly or indirectly influenced your career/work attitudes and behaviors in a positive way. 
Write Icon
Write: Include the following in your post: 


  1. Identify the leader.
  2. Provide
    specific examples of what this person did and/or said to impact your career/work attitudes and behaviors.
  3. Examine the uses and applications of self-efficacy research in relation to both the leader you selected and your own approach to learning and work. Specifically, explore the role of self-efficacy in your own learning motivation and workplace behavior. Provide examples.
  4. What is Achievement Motivation?  Discuss how you can increase your own Achievement Motivation to manage challenges and overcome obstacles as you work toward reaching your goals.
  5. From Chapter 10: Sport Psychology, select any two concepts and describe how these topics are also relevant to helping you reach your goals (e.g., optimal performance, optimal development, optimal experience, competition, self-determination theory, social loafing, goal-setting, etc.).

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